Created by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1969, one of the most important tasks of the Research Group for Art History was the creation of a comprehensive publication (a series of handbooks) on art history of Hungary. Of the eight volumes planned, only four were published in the end: Magyarországi művészet 1300–1470 körül (Art in Hungary 1300– c. 1470, 1987); Magyar művészet 1890–1919 (Hungarian Art 1890–1919, 1981); Magyar művészet 1919–1945 (Hungarian Art 1919–1945, 1985). The final volume of the series was published in two parts: Magyar művészet a 19. században. Építészet és iparművészet (Art in Hungary in the 19th century. Architecture and Applied Art, Ed.: József Sisa, 2013); Képzőművészet (Art in Hungary in the 19th century. Fine Art, Eds.: Erzsébet Király–Júlia Papp, 2018).
The fonds contains numerous typescripts related to the individual volumes of the handbook, as well as miscellaneous documents on the work groups and the undertaking as a whole.