- Title
Art historian Sándor Láncz’s bequest
- Quantity / Provenance / Document types, inclusive dates
Uninventoried,15 folder / Gift, 1997 / Manuscripts, notes, clippings, cards, offprints, exhibition catalogues, invitation cards, photocopies
- Description
Sándor Láncz (1919-1995) art historian. His manuscripts, published articles and studies. Documents related to József Egry, the European School and the Group of Socialist Artists. Contemporary articles and studies on Hungarian art (after 1945) and the theory of art (especially on the problem of abstraction and time).
- Bibliography
Aradi Nóra: Dr. Láncz Sándor (1919-1995), Ars Hungarica, 1996/2
- Description by
Sándor Hornyik