
List of Fonds: MKI-C-I-195

  • MKI-C-I-195

  • Title
    Art historians Lajos Vayer’s and Mrs. Lajos Vayer’s, born Ágnes Zibolen’s bequests; theatre designer Tamás Vayer1s bequest
  • Quantity / Provenance / Document types, inclusive dates
    Uninventoried, 27 folders, 5 boxes, 1 sub-folder / Gift, 2003 / Photographic documentation, card catalogue, official documents, studies, notes, miscellaneous documents
  • Description
    The main areas of research of art historian Lajos Vayer (1913–2001) were Italian renaissance, especially the art of the Quattrocento, iconography and iconology, graphic arts, and art in Hungary in the 19th and 20th centuries. He majored in history and art history at Pázmány Péter University (the predecessor of Eötvös Loránd University, “ELTE”), receiving his diploma in 1935. Started his career at the Hungarian Historical Gallery of the Museum of Fine Arts, then between 1937–1950 he became the head of the same collection, which was transferred to the Hungarian National Museum in 1940. Obtained his habilitation in 1946. Went on a scholarship to the Hungarian Academy in Rome in 1947; after he returned, he became the Deputy Director General of the Museum of Fine Arts (1949–1955). A candidate (1952), later a doctor (1961) of art history. Head of the Department of Art History at Eötvös Loránd University between 1955–1983. Corresponding (1990), then full member (1991) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Awarded the Academy Prize (1964), the Herder Prize (1968) and the Széchenyi Prize (1993). Editor of the art journal Acta Historiae Artium (1957–1988), and the Hungarian Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the Venice Biennale (1958–1978). Chairman (1969–1973), later an honorary member of UNESCO’s Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA). Invited professor at Princeton University in 1975. A more extensive biography is also included in typescript in the fonds.
    Mrs. Lajos Vayer, born Ágnes Zibolen (1919–1999) was an art and literary historian. Research associate of Petőfi Literary Museum from 1956. Her main areas of research were 19th and 20th century art, literary iconography and illustrations. The fonds contains biographical data in more detail.
    Set designer Tamás Vayer (1941–2001) was the son of Lajos Vayer and Ágnes Zibolen. Studied at the Hungarian College of Arts and Crafts between 1960–1965. Set designer at Magyar Filmgyártó Vállalat (abbreviated as “Mafilm” – the “Hungarian National Filmmaking Company”) between 1965–1989. Participated in the making of, and designed sets for, more than 100 feature films, nearly 50 television films and over 100 theatrical plays. Participated in designing the identities of exhibitions, posters and art awards. Received the Balázs Béla Award twice, as well as the Merited and Outstanding Artist Awards. The fonds also contains biographical data.
    The majority of the fonds is related to Lajos Vayer’s work as an art historian – his Hungarian and international professional correspondences are present from the late 1930s to the late 1990s without interruption. The visual material contains photos, reproductions, etchings and plaques of artists, the collections of museums, the Hungarian Pavilions of Venice Biennales, paintings and graphics. Lajos Vayer also left behind numerous writings, lectures, studies, exhibition opening and other speeches, typescripts, exhibition guides, reviews, offprints, fragments and unidentifiable notes. The material is supplemented by Lajos Vayer’s official documents.
    The documents on Mrs. Lajos Vayer, born Ágnes Zibolen, are mostly related to almanac research, with a vast amount of photographic material.
    Tamás Vayer’s material is more modest, and is related to his work as a set designer.
  • Description by
    Andrea Rózsavölgyi, Benjámin Ék