
List of Fonds: MI-C-I-232

  • MI-C-I-232

  • Title
    Art historian Terézia Kerny’s bequest
  • Quantity / Provenance / Document types, inclusive dates
    Uninventoried, 43 folders / Gift, 2018 / Studies, correspondence, materials of conferences and exhibitions, typescripts
  • Description
    Art historian Terézia Kerny (1957–2015) majored in Art history and Archeology at Eötvös Loránd University between 1976–1982. Scientific administrator at the Research Institute of Art History (previously the Research Group for Art History) at HAS between 1982–1991, while also participating in researches on the topography of architectural heritage between 1984–1991. Received her doctorate in 1989 (Szent László kultusza és ikonográfiája a nagyszombati zsinatig, 1192–1631 / The Cult and Iconography of St. Ladislas, King of Hungary until the Council of Trent, 1192–1631). Became a research associate of the Research Institute of Art History at HAS in 1991, the head of the Collection of Archival Regestae in 1996, and the head of the Photo Archive in 2005. On the board of editors of the Institute’s journal Ars Hungarica from 2011, she later became its editor-in-chief. Her areas of research are medieval and baroque iconography (Saint Ladislaus of Hungary and other Hungarian saints), processing 14-19th century votive pictures, and surveys of the topography of architectural heritage, and of ecclesiastical works of art.
    The bequest includes material related to Kerny’s areas of research (studies in Hungarian and other languages, books, catalogues, prints, notes, press material), summaries of doctors’ and candidates’ theses and offprints, journals and books on various topics.
  • Description by
    Andrea Rózsavölgyi, Benjámin Ék